My grandmother's house

A special occasion I remember as a child was every summer when I would go on vacation and I would get to see and share most of the time with my family, but the one I got to spend the most time with was my grandmother.

One vacation day I remember was in early January, where I would go to my grandmother's house and we would talk and play for several hours, in the afternoons we would have tea and eat something delicious, we would usually prepare something together, she taught me how to prepare several recipes for as long as I can remember and since then I love baking.

We always talk about different things, she is interesting to be with, her stories are amazing and she has one for every moment.

I remember this occasion because to this day every time I can go to visit her, she does not live far form me but as now I stay in Santiago to study, I see her less however when I visit her house the conversations are still the same, although the topics change over time, the tea is still waiting on the table for the moment of sharing together and the stories are still there, waiting for the occasion to be remembered, although some stories are repeated.


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