What became of the river

The picture I chose is from the year 2021, specifically from May 22nd.

This photo is important to me because it is of the place where I live in pichidegua, it is the cachapoal river that passes outside my house.

Every time I see it and I am in Santiago I remember my home and the beautiful walks I used to take with my brother and our dog Naranjo. He enjoys and knows all the ways to get to this beautiful place, he runs and barks while he walks in the water, when he comes out he usually splashes us and leaves us soaked in water.

In the photo you can see the crystal clear waters that today are no longer there due to the lack of rain, plus some people who were riding their horses.

It is a place that not everyone has access to, since the roads to get there are private, but fortunately I can enjoy this landscape that is very peaceful and quiet, where you do not hear any noise other than water and some birds.


  1. It seems to be a very nice place. It reminds me of when I used to go to the river with my family in Chillàn.

  2. It looks beautiful. Do you also ride horeses across the river?


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