Special place


I don't really have a special place in Santiago that I like to go to because I'm not from here and I don't go out much. However, I do have a special place in the O'Higgins region.

In this place I have been all my life, since I was born there, although now I only have time to travel some weekends, although I am writing this from here.

This special place, more than a place is a town, which is the town of Pichidegua, which really doesn't have many things, however, I have very nice memories of its surroundings. For a long time I did not like this community, until arriving in Santiago I realized that there is nothing like the tranquility of the town, of the countryside.

I can go to the river, to the hill, to walk through the small streets at any time and it is always as quiet. Even without leaving my house, I can enjoy the tranquility and silence that nature gives me.

Among the hills of the town is where I have the most significant memories for me, where I met many things and learned to know myself among paths that made me reflect.

I would like to know some place in Santiago that makes me feel the same tranquility as there, but I sincerely believe that it is impossible.


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