The Family Meal: Radio Theater and more

 A family meal that I remember was on Saturday, May 27, we gathered to celebrate my birthday that weekend in Pichidegua. I remember my cousins, my grandmother, my partner, my siblings, my parents and my aunts, one of whom I had not seen since last year because she is a Carmelite Missionary and is in charge of the Vatican.

I remember that my dad prepared a delicious asado (I have never really eaten a better asado than the ones he prepares), my brothers were in charge of some snacks, my mom of the dessert and me of the sauces and decoration.

It was a memorable moment because it had been a long time since we had all shared together, we laughed a lot, I think the best moment was when they turned off the lights and began to tell a paranormal story that had happened to the couple of a cousin, they told the story with so much enthusiasm that they even made sound effects and it seemed like a real radio theater by candlelight.

PS: As strange as it sounds and not very credible, the story was about a silhouette about two meters tall, with red eyes that was in an abandoned place near my house, he had wings, but also claws, we nicknamed him "the moth man".


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