The blog experience

 I had never written a blog before, I think it was more difficult than I thought because it is hard for me to talk about myself with more people, however, I liked doing it, I think it was something different and interesting, more to learn English and meet others.

The post I liked writing the most was the one about a program we watched when we were kids, I think it made me remember good times and the one I liked the least was the one about friends, because I think I don't have that attachment for friends so writing was a bit difficult for me.

I don't think I have a favorite blog, I found all of them very interesting and varied.

The things that I liked were how didactic and different from the usual classes, I would like to continue like this English 4 hahaha, I do not have much to say what I did not like, I think the speaking because for me it is difficult, but it is something that improved along the way.


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